Sure, the fashion industry is glamorous, but it’s also a challenging career path. It can be hard to finance your studies — and to get your foot in the door after you graduate. Wouldn’t a little help be nice?

The Fashion Scholarship Fund awards over $1 million in scholarships each year to students just like you. We also offer our Scholars career-boosting talent acquisition events, internships, mentorships, and exclusive educational and networking events.

In short, we want you to succeed. Why? The future of the fashion industry is in your hands.


I could have never imagined the huge impact FSF would have on my career. I'm forever grateful to FSF!

Katherine Eberley
2020 FSF Scholarship Recipient

University of Wisconsin

Invest in yourself

Regardless of where your fashion forte lies — design and product development, merchandising, marketing analytics or supply chain — we encourage students from all backgrounds and study disciplines to apply for a scholarship. We award hundreds of scholarships ranging from $7,500 to $25,000 each year to students from 75 colleges and universities nationwide. The next scholarship could be awarded to you!

The first step towards getting to know us — and winning a scholarship — is to apply for the annual FSF Case Study Competition.


real-life experience at top fashion companies

You may study hard but getting your foot in the door of the fashion industry is key. The FSF’s Talent Acquisition Events help with that.

FSF Scholars can attend our bi-annual Virtual Talent Acquisition Events (February and September) and connect with recruitment representatives from some of the country’s most prestigious fashion companies. This is the place and time to apply for a summer internship or, if you’re graduating, for a full-time job.


Get in on insider events

Scholars have the opportunity to attend virtual Workforce Preparedness Courses and Master Class Sessions during FSF’s Summer Scholar Series!
See Summer Series + Events


Get access to over 600 industry mentors

FSF Scholars can receive one-on-one advice and support through our signature Mentoring Program. This year, we've paired our FSF Scholars with an industry mentor and helped to create meaningful, lifelong connections.

FSF mentors are a diverse group of creative and business professionals, including mid-level to c-suite executives. One-third of our FSF mentors are also FSF Alumni — previous FSF Scholarship recipients. They know what it feels like to be in your shoes and they’re committed to helping you every step of the way.


FSF Member Schools

We proudly work with 75 universities and colleges across the country. Is your school one of them?
Find Out!


I'm a small-town Indiana girl, with big dreams of being a city girl in fashion. The Fashion Scholarship Fund really made me see that I could do that.

Michal McMoran
2020 FSF Scholarship Recipient

Indiana University